Daubeln along the Danube

Attentive walkers along the Danube in Vienna know the boats with fishing nets mounted on cranes from spring/summer, the so-called Daubeln. This is a fishing method that dates back to a decree of Maria Theresia in the 18th century, in which approx. 5x5m nets are lowered to the bottom of the water with cranks or cranes.
After a few minutes, the net is pulled up, hoping to catch a fish that is swimming above the net. This allows for gentle fishing, where fish that are too small or species that are in closed season can be released back into the water unharmed.
Daubel huts are usually passed down from generation to generation, and places are scarce. Walleye, catfish, carp, pike, tolstolob and amur are fished. In addition to the Danube, this type of fishing is also common in Austria on the Thaya and March rivers.