WU-Campus – Executive Academy (EA)

At the western entrance to the WU campus in Leopoldstadt, which opened in Oct. 2013, is the striking building of the Executive Academy (EA) and the WU Alumni Club by Spanish Arch. Eduardo Arroyo Muñoz (NO.MAD Arquitectos, Madrid). In the black, twisted 4-story structure with different transparent and reflective aluminum and glass surfaces, the surroundings also show.
Stacked around the central installation core are different plans per floor with soundproofing acoustic floors, the multitude of windows respond to different uses, such as learning areas, arena-style lecture halls and quiet zones.
The architect, born in 1964, with his „non-cartesian“ geometry, is responsible for the Lasesarre Stadium and Plaza Desierto in Bilbao, Casa Levene and Zafra-Uceda House in Madrid and museum extensions, among others.