Emperor Franz Monument in the Burggarten

The Emperor Franz Monument in the Burggarten in classicist forms depicts Franz I Stephen of Lorraine, husband of Maria Theresa and as Franz I Roman-German Emperor from 1745-1765 on horseback. Vienna’s first equestrian statue was begun by Balthasar Ferdinand Moll during the emperor’s lifetime and completed in 1781 in cast lead.

However, the court did not purchase the monument and the sculptor left it to his family. In 1797 it was placed in the Paradeisgartel on the Bastei and in 1819 it was transferred to the former „Kaisergarten“. Moll, who came from Tyrol, is still known today, especially for the production of the 20 or so magnificent coffins in the Capuchin crypt.

Franz Stephan was a financial genius; in 1763 he was entrusted with the supreme management of finances and the reorganization of the national debt. Open to all modern trends (and to women) he invested in industrial settlements and mining), he devoted himself to collecting for his natural history cabinet (which became the Natural History Museum) and to acquiring a large private fortune.

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