Marina Tower

The 140m high Marina Tower by Zechner & Zechner in the 2nd district near the Prater Bridge is an example of the residential buildings that have been built in recent years at the juncture between the Inner City and the Danube. The 41 floors with aprox. 500 apartments have leisure facilities, stores, a kindergarten and a subway connection.
Directly opposite, accessible via the publicly accessible marina deck, is the marina yacht harbor, built in 2000, consisting of 2 harbor basins with around 200 boat berths for boats up to around 14m in length and a motorboat driving school, workshops and a restaurant with a view at the Danube.
The 8.5 km long street in between, the Handelskai, along the right bank of the Danube, is one of the longest streets in Vienna. Almost the entire length runs parallel to the Danube embankment railroad, which was built following the regulation of the Danube in 1875 and connects the Franz-Josefs-Bahn with the Ostbahn and the port of Freudenau.