Sculpture Evolution of human history

The sculpture „Development of Human History“ by the renowned Iraqi artist Suhail al Hindawi on Wagramer Straße in the 22nd district between the Vienna International Center (UNO-City) and the subway station with the same name from 2016 refers to the history of the Sumerians and the development of writing.
On the one hand symbols of the development history of mankind are shown, such as the sun, water and agriculture, as well as the symbols that reflect the UN Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations and are also authoritative for the „OPEC Fund for International Development“, short OFID. The 40th anniversary of the Fund, which has its headquarters in the former Hoch- und Deutschmeister-Palais on Ringstrasse, was also the occasion for the donation and unveiling of the monument.
The OFID is an example for a number of international organizations which are located in Vienna besides the UN, such as OSCE, OPEC, European Fundamental Rights Agency EFRA, int. Organization for Migration Policy (ICMPD), 3 offices of the World Bank, etc.