J. & L. Lobmeyr

As early as 1823, Joseph Lobmeyr founded a glass manufacturing company and settled in Kärntner Straße in the 1st district. From the 1860s, the manufacturer of cut and engraved glass was then also allowed to bear the seal of quality „k.u.k. Hofglaser und Hofglashändler“ and the family devoted itself to supporting avant-garde artists, who are still omnipresent in the showroom and glass museum of the store.
Participation in world exhibitions, various arts and crafts and museum exhibitions (including the MAK) and also the establishment of a workshop for the production of contemporary lighting fixtures, also brought international attention. The chandeliers in the Metropolitan Opera in New York for example come from the traditional Viennese company, which also operates glass studios in Stoob (Bgld) and Baden (NÖ).
On request, members of the sixth generation of the family also give guided tours of the extensive and exclusive Wiener Werkstätte collection and teach glassmaking techniques, followed by tastings from Lobmayr glasses.